Sorting and Downsizing

Glass Cabinet - A Smooth Move - Household movers for old adults

We at A Smooth Move at experts at downsizing, decluttering, and sorting through items. Our years’-worth of experience and tried-and-true processes allows us to help you:

  • Sort your precious belongings
  • Determine items for sale, donation, and disposal
  • Transport items for sale on Facebook Marketplace, auction, or consignment
  • Get your home ready for sale

When we prepare to downsize, we use green- or red-colored stickers to easily designate “keep” and “donate/toss” items, which leaves no room for confusion or misplaced items. When we sort, we also take care to go through items one-by-one to assure everything has been accounted for and nothing is hidden or missed. We are truly meticulous with our work and do our utmost to make your move a smooth move.